Hay’adda Naafada Qaranka (NDA) ayaa 22 May 2024 ku qabatay hotelka Maida ee magaalada Muqdisho kulan lagu soo bandhigayay Qorshe Howleedka Qaranka ee hirgalinta heshiiska caalamiga ah ee UN- Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) oo Somalia ay saxiixday 2018 laakiin ilaa iyo hada aan la hirgalinin. Kulan kaan waxaa kasoo qeyb galay gudoonka Hay’adda Naafada Qaranka (NDA) Oo ugu horeeyo commionare Cali Cabdulahi iyo Fartun Cali.
Sidoo kale waxaa kasoo qayb galay Agaasimaha Waaxda Naafada Gobalka Benadir iyo gudoomiyeyaasha Naafada 20 Degmo Gobolka Benadir iyo Qaybaha kala duwan Ee Naafada.

UNCRPD is a crucial global document that serves PWD to be included into every aspect of live with the theme of “LNOB”. UNCRPD provides right-based opportunities to PWD by removing all kinds of barriers that hindered PWD to actively participate live improving actions. Unless UNCRPD implemented accordingly, 2030 SDG will never be approached successfully and comprehensively. This meeting event is one of the initial attempts that NDA of Somalia can reach their goals and i am seriously supporting this mission because i have been working Austrian Embasdy Development Cooperation (AEDC), BTG project, implemented by the Ausrian Embassy in Ethiopia, by supporting Ethiopian National Associations of Persons with Disabilities (ENAPD)on the decentralization of UNCRPD across Ethiopian federal member states particularly Somali region.